Thursday, 31 July 2014

Cross slot Crops

Cross slot crops belonging to Scott Siviour at Wangary, Eyre Peninsula

 Canola on a Lupin stubble

Mace Wheat sown @ 70kg

 Wyalkatchem sown at 70kg

Mike Cameron at Kojonup, WA, took these of his trial Oops - incorrect

These trials were done by either Scott Siviour or LEADA, will have to check

 Wyalkatchem sown with Cross slot - More biomass, less weeds 13" spacing

 Wyalkatchem sown with DBS - more weeds, less biomass 12" spacing

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Tap Water Tastes Like Crap!

***Bring back rainwater in schools*** 

I'm really pissed off (polite version) that SA schools are now banned from drinking rain water! I've never heard of anything so ridiculous in all my life!

Fact - Tap water takes like shit!

Our local school have recently sent this note home in the school newsletter:

Drinking Water—In line with all DECD schools we have now had our rainwater taps switched to mains water. It might be a good idea to pack your child an extra water bottle filled with water from home, as many of the children will not drink mains water.

What are the Dept of Education thinking, this is absolute rubbish! Our whole house runs on rain water, we drink it, we shower in it, we cook with it, the only thing we don't do it s**t in it.

I am formally rejecting this ruling and will be supplying MY CHILDREN (please note 'my children') with extra rainwater filled, clear coloured, healthy bottles of rain water for school.

p.s. sorry about the 'potty mouth', but at least you can tell how angry I am!


Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Waterlogged Barley

Water damaged Barley crop seems to be ticking along nicely now with a bit of sunshine over the last 2 days.

Bald patches where water sat

Natural water course that I had never seen so full, some seed did survive the flooding and has come up
There are several bald patches across the farm like this

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Flooding on the farm in June 2014

The road to our house was almost totally covered with water, it was an amazing site.

Prior to this event, we had had 90.5mm during the last week of May
Then on June 12th & 13th we had another 40mm, so that was 130.5mm in 3 weeks, which is about 43% or our standard annual rainfall.
Obviously seasons vary, but generally we get about 300mm per year, sometimes up to 350mm if we're lucky.
 This rain event was really rare, hubby certainly had never seen it this wet.

Errr!! So this was our newly sown Barley paddock on June 13th

There were rapids in our driveway!! And Ducks!

This barley paddock dried out reasonably quickly, but some other paddocks still have water sitting in them

Cross slot barley rows
I've been a bit slack at 'floggin my blog' lately so will endeavour to get you some more crop pictures soon.